In order to get your website up and running on the web you will need someone to host it. We offer this service through my hosting package. The web servers are UK based and offer a 24/7 service.
For more information about the hosting please check out the FAQ’s below:
List of Benefits
Free Domain Email Account setup
1 year free hosting & domain name (only available on silver and gold packages)
All hosting setup managed by RPITSolutions
Email Account Setup
Our Hosting package allowes a free Domain Email Account allowing you to use your domain name (Website name) as your email address e.g.
FAQ & Terms & Conditions
can you help me with hosting and getting a domain name?
Yes we have a great hosting package setup with , along with sorting a domain name out for you.
How much will it be to Register my Domain name with you?
Below are the prices we charge for registering a domain name with our hosting provider:
- £6 per year for,,
- £8 per year for .com, .net, .org,.biz
* You can pay for 1-10 years as a lump sum for your domain name (e.g. 2 years will be £12, 3 years £18…)
How much will it be to get hosting with you?
Already have a hosting account?
- If you already have a hosting account then we can transfer this to our hosting which will cost £70pa
If you do not have any hosting then we just setup your hosting for you at the price stated above when we register you with your domain name.